Contact Lens Care: How to Clean and Store Your Lenses

Contact Lens Care


When you first start out, it can be hard to get used to wearing contact lenses let alone making a habit of cleaning and storing everyday. However, taking good care of your contact lenses is essential if you want them to remain comfortable and safe for your eyes. It should be an easy job too if you know-how. Check out the rest of this guide to find out how to always keep your lenses clean and good for use.

Things To Remember

1. Wash Your Hands

Always wash, clean and dry your hands with soap and water before handling your lenses.

2. Clean Your Lenses after Removal

Please remember to always clean your lenses after removal. It is likely that they will build up dirt throughout the day.

3. Use Contact Lens Solution

Contact lens solution is necessary in cleaning your lenses. Tap water, soap or other methods could contaminate the lenses and so may lead to infection.

Try these as recommended the best Lens solution to use AoSept Plus HydraGlyde is a hydrogen peroxide contact lens solution that not only provides deep-rooted cleaning for your contacts, but extends the period of maximum comfort whilst you wear them.


4. Use a Contact Lens Case

Storing your lenses as well as cleaning them is vital in ensuring they are ready-for-use. Make sure to use a contact lens case for when you’re not wearing your lenses.

How To Clean Your Lenses

1. Fill Your Lens Case

First things first, fill up your contact lens case with fresh solution (see the next section of this guide for more info on cleaning your lens case).

2. Clean the First Lens

Take the first lens and place in the palm of your hand. Apply a few drops of lens solution and gently rub your contact lens with your finger.

3. Rinse and Repeat

Make sure to rinse the lens thoroughly with more solution and place the clean lens back into your case.

Now, repeat for your other lens and voilà! Your lenses are now clean.

How To Clean Your Contact Lens Case

1. Empty Your Case

First off, empty your contact lens case of its current solution.

2. Rinse Case

Now, rinse your case with fresh solution.

3. Allow to Dry

Leave the case to air-dry for a few minutes. We recommend placing upside-down on a tissue for this but whatever floats your boat!

4. Replace the Case

We recommend replacing your lens case once at the end of every month.


Regular check-ups from your local optician are necessary in order to maintain the health of your eyes – always follow their recommendations in caring for your contact lenses
