How to Buy Contact Lenses Online (And Save Money!)

If you are like me, being a regular wearer of contact lenses you will understand that the costs can soon start to add up – especially if you’re ordering at the end of each and every month.

But, it doesn’t have to be this way. Through buying online, there are always little ways we can make sure we’re keeping our lens costs to the absolute minimum, leaving us with a little bit more change in our pockets. 

Let’s go through some top ways to buy contact lenses online whilst saving you some money.

1. Know Which Lenses Are Right For You

There isn’t a worse way than to be spending money here and there on contact lenses that aren’t right for your lifestyle or your budget. It’s important to understand what contact lenses are right for you. These might be dailies, they may be hard contact lenses, soft lenses or there could be a certain brand that is the perfect fit for you. 

Your local optician will always be the best person to go to about this and, as a contact lens user, you should be regularly visiting your local optician for a check-up. If it’s been a while since your last visit, it may be worth your while to book an eye test and ask them what the best contact lenses are for you.

2. Buy Online

After your eye test or contact lens check-up, it can be very easy to order your contacts there and then but you will only end up paying more than what is necessary. 

As with most things we buy, buying contact lenses online is both easy and saves us money. In fact, buying online can help you save up to 45% on contacts compared to the high street – a bargain we can’t afford to pass up on!

3. Buy A Trial Pack

Just to be extra sure you’re not buying contact lenses that aren’t right for you, try using trial packs. Trial packs can be a free way of trying out lenses and finding out whether they are what’s best for you. A lot of the major retailers such as Acuvue offer these so why not give it a go.

4. Maximise The Life Of Your Contact Lenses

This is mainly for those who are after bi-weekly or monthly contact lenses. Most of the costs of contact lenses are for the initial price and how long you use each contact.

By making sure your lenses are kept safe and cleaned regularly, you’ll be making full use of them and keeping them in a usable state for as long as possible – meaning you’re less likely to have to restock them.

Check out our contact lens care guide for more information on this.

5. Stock Up!

Bulk buying is a sure-fire way of keeping your costs to a minimum. At Lens Lounge, our 90 packs work out to be cheaper per pack than 30 lenses, meaning you’ll get even more value for money. Some brands provide even bigger multipacks including 1 Day Acuvue Moist 180 Pack or the Acuvue Oasys 24 pack.
